TheĀ ad hoc task force will be comprised of five faculty members, three students, and two administrators. All will be voting members.

The five faculty members on the task force will include two members of the Faculty Senate and three faculty at-large. These will be selected as follows:

  • Two members of the Faculty Senate and two faculty at-large will be elected by the Faculty Senate on 15 October 2013; and
  • One of the at-large faculty will be appointed by the Black Faculty and Staff Association.

Faculty members wishing to be considered for the elected positions (two Senate and two at-large) should submit self-nominations to Senate President Steve Miller by 8 October 2013. All regular faculty members are eligible to serve.

The student members of the task force will be:

  • One student appointed by the SGA;
  • One student appointed by the President of the Faculty Senate; and
  • One graduate student appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School.

Two persons that serve in administrative roles in the University or University System will be appointed by the University President.

The task force will conduct open and transparent meetings, and will issue regular reports to the Faculty Senate. In its first meeting the task force will propose a time-line for its operation and for reporting its progress. While none of the following should be construed as limiting its scope, the task force is charged to explore the appropriateness of each of the following, and to suggest modifications if necessary:

  1. The Code of Student Conduct and its enforcement;
  2. The election process for student government offices;
  3. Student education on diversity, civil responsibilities, and ethical behavior;
  4. Governing documents that regulate student organizations, including: (a) Whether the governing documents should contain language prohibiting discrimination in membership or opportunity; and (b) Whether student organizations with selective membership practices should be required to submit regular diversity plans and progress toward those plans;
  5. University policies and administrative actions on diversity, including whether the University should: (a) Issue an annual report on the diversity of organizations with selective membership practices; (b) Formally acknowledge that it has the right and responsibility to oversee and regulate the practices of any organization that claims an affiliation with the University; (c) Create a university standing committee on diversity or expand the responsibilities of another standing committee to cover this area; (d) Name a campus diversity officer; (e) Modify procedures for investigating, enforcing and reporting violations of student non-academic regulations; (f) Modify its procedures for the oversight of student organizations.