Faculty Senate Steering Committee Meeting.

August 11, 2020


Attending: Barb Dahlbach, Rona Donahoe, Chapman Greer, John Vincent, Andre Denham, Rainer Schad, Mary Stone, Matthew Hudnall, Patrick Kung, Kelly Shannon-Henderson, Jennifer Dempsey, Suzanne Henson, Joy Burnham, Steven Yates, Susan Appel, Christopher Lynn, Ibrahim Cemen, Jeri Zemke, Past President Donna Meester, Parliamentarian Robert Riter.

Absent: Ajay Agrawal, Miri Eyal-Cohen, Ignacio Rodeno.

Roll call and quorum check by Faculty Senate Secretary Barb Dahlbach.

The Faculty Senate Steering Committee Meeting Minutes of July 14, 2020 were approved.


President’s Report- (Rona Donahoe) The issues discussed during the Board of Trustees meeting included salaries of football coaches and renaming buildings on campus that bear the names of individuals with past associations with slavery.  The renaming survey was compromised by someone sharing the survey link with unqualified respondents.  The top three names for each of six buildings were forwarded to Chancellor St. John and President Bell.  The review of renaming buildings will apply to all three campuses.  The question was asked who would make the decision about renaming buildings.  The faculty can make strong recommendations and could write a resolution but the ultimate decision is made by the Board of Trustees.

Four ELI instructors received word that their contracts would not be renewed for the fall semester.  President Bell has repeatedly stated that his top priority was to retain faculty through the impact of the Covid19 crisis.  The instructors were not given a reasonable amount of time to secure another position.  Two of the four instructors made the decision to relocate.  Two have chosen to remain in Tuscaloosa to find other work.  The contracts will expire at the end of September.  Vice President Fajack sent an email stating no one would lose their job.

Nursing Dean Prevost sent an email to nursing faculty stating that anyone unable to fulfill their responsibilities on campus should send notification so they could be replaced.  Senior nursing faculty met with Provost Jim Dalton to present their objections to this highly controversial and objectionable statement.  The Nursing School has major construction in process at this time.  Twenty five million dollars has been donated for this addition.  President Donahoe will follow up on this situation.

Provost Dalton discussed enrollment numbers which will not be accurate until later in the fall semester.

President Donahoe met with Provost Dalton on August 17th at 4:00 P.M. and established a good working relationship.

UA has secured quarantine space for students testing positive for the virus.


Vice President’s Report – (Chapman Greer) The General Education Taskforce will give a presentation at the Faculty Senate Meeting on August 18, 2020.  Work is being done with expert liaisons in subject matters as progress moves into the implementation phase.

Secretary’s Report – (Barb Dahlbach) No report.

Academic Affairs – (John Vincent & Andre Denham) The Steering Committee reviewed a revised version of the graduate faculty appendix to the Faculty Handbook concerning graduate faculty qualified to teach courses numbered 500 or above, chair thesis and examining committees.  The wording approved by the Faculty Senate Steering Committee- “ Committees for final projects of professional-practice doctorates may be chaired by full or associate members or affiliate members of the Graduate Faculty who meet all of the following qualifications…”.  John Vincent will forward this to the Dean of the Graduate School.

Faculty & Senate Governance – (Ibrahim Cemen & Jeri Zemke) Commencement Marshals need to be elected in the fall. Nominations are needed for Ombudsperson in August and September since the term expires at the end of the year.

Further discussion included whether there will be a football season, Covid19 testing, and signing waiver.

President Bell and Provost Dalton have been invited to speak at the August meeting of the Faculty Senate.  Chapman Greer and Andre Denham will give a presentation about the General Education Taskforce.  President Donahoe will schedule meetings with Faculty Senate co-chairs to discuss goals and issues for the coming year.

Meeting adjourned 4:15 P.M.

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Contact: Sarah Miesse, semiesse@culverhouse.ua.edu