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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee Annual Report 2017-2018


University of Alabama

Faculty Senate

Mirit Byal-Cohen & Osiris Molina, Subcommittee Co-Chairs

Kelly Guyotte, Sheila Black, Ignacio Rodeno, Melvin Lewis, Anne Levy

The 2017-2018 incarnation of this committee was inaugurated by the Faculty Senate in October 2018 in response to the hiring of Dr. Christine Taylor, Vice President and Associate Provost for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The committee began to meet monthly with Dr. Taylor to create a dialogue between her office and the faculty and to establish new and improved methods of bringing together the many disparate activities on campus that are designed to promote diversity, equity and inclusion.

Important to that mission is creating a stronger bond with the Crossroads Center and its director, Lane McClelland. Lane’s efforts to bolster diversity at UA have been significant, and the committee will make every effort to support her efforts.

One of the principal issues that our committee will address in the next academic year includes the possibility of adapting or adding a diversity component to the university core curriculum. How and where this component is implemented will be a point of discussion.

Establishing caucus groups among the faculty to create greater awareness and connectivity is another proposal before the committee for the next academic year. A brief incarnation of this occurred a few years ago in the College of Arts and Sciences bringing together Hispanic faculty, and more can be done in this regard.

Our committee can and will serve as a sounding board for Dr. Taylor’s office in all manner of activity, from addressing student behavior issues to faculty recommendations for addressing diversity and equity issues in and out of the classroom.

This committee is highly energetic and committed to make a difference for all university constituents. We look forward to continued success in 2017-2018.

To view the content above as a pdf, click here.

Contact: Sarah Miesse,

Research and Service (R&S) Committee Year End Summary 2017‐18

Committee members: Ajay Agrawal; Silas Blackstock; Cory Callahan; Andrew Dewar; Peter Jensen; Sushma Kotru; Michael Kreger; Shuhui Li; Tom Lopez; John McDonald; Michael Parrott; Edward Sazonov; Kelly Shannon

Co‐chairs: Ajay Agrawal, and Michael Kreger

R&S Committee focused on the following tasks during the year:

  1. Data on faculty hires
  2. Search for VP for R&ED
  3. Research survey questionnaire
  4. Meetings/Discussions with Office of Research Administration (ORA) and Graduate Dean 5. Meetings/Discussions with Provost and acting VP for R&ED

1) Data on Faculty hires

The committee prepared a memo sent to the provost in November 2017 requesting that the administration develop a matrix with quantitative and qualitative criteria to assess the progress made in faculty hiring, update the matrix on a regular basis (say each semester), and, in the spirit of transparency, make it available to the university faculty and/or community.

The committee identified a list of items to include in this matrix to help the UA community understand the impact of the recent research initiatives and, thus, become an effective partner as the University seeks to achieve the primary goals of the Strategic Plan.

In meetings, the provost mentioned that the Board of Trustees has also asked for similar data, and indicated that his office will coordinate with the R&S committee to make the information available while serving both faculty and Board of Trustees’ needs.

2) Search for VP for R&ED

R&S Committee member Si Blackstock was selected to serve on the search committee as faculty senate representative. The committee was asked to provide the 2‐3 most important skillsets, attributes, or types of experience that UA’s next VPR needs to have in order to be successful in this role. The committee provided the following input:

(a) Teaching, research, and administrative experience at a Tier I research university.

(b) Broad understanding of research beyond a disciplinary boundary and appreciation of the dual education‐research mission in PhD programs across a wide range of disciplines.

(c) Demonstrated skills to acquire and manage significant research funding (government, private, or a combination) including assignment as a research program monitor.

Si Blackstock provided periodic updates to the committee and faculty senate about the hiring process.

Candidates have been identified for on‐campus interviews in April 2018. The R&S committee is scheduled to meet with candidates during interviews.

3) Research Survey Questionnaire

R&S sought to seek faculty input to support the University’s research strategy, and thus, the task of developing a survey was undertaken throughout the year. The committee reviewed the Faculty Life Survey conducted in 2014, and initially sought to repeat it in 2017 working in conjunction with the Faculty Life Committee. However, the University is partnering with ModernThink to survey faculty and staff regarding their workplace experience and thus, to provide opportunities and resources that facilitate work‐life balance and enhance the recruitment and retention of outstanding faculty and staff.

This survey does not focus on research.

The R&S committee developed a survey to collect faculty/staff input regarding research to support the research strategy announced by President Bell to “Increase the University’s productivity and innovation in research, scholarship and creative activities that impact economic and societal development.” The survey contains 24 questions divided into six categories. Multiple options are provided for each question. Response to questions can be to (1) either rank the answers in the order of importance, or (2) assign weight to each answer so the total adds up to 100. In addition, comments and ideas not covered by the possible responses provided can be entered in a free‐response space provided for each question.

The steering committee of the faculty senate has endorsed the survey. Input has also been sought from the University’s Research Advisory Committee. Plans are underway to work out the logistics and implementation of the survey in coordination with the administration.

4) Meetings/Discussions with Office of Research Administration (ORA) and Graduate Dean

The R&S Committee met with Cindy Hope, Director of ORA, and discussed several ideas to enhance the services. Through the course of the meeting, Ms. Hope informed R&S committee members that a proposal development team is being formed to assist faculty in preparation of proposals of any dollar amount. A technical editor has already been hired and is available to provide editing services. The committee also met with Graduate Dean, Dr. Susan Carvalho, and discussed several ideas to increase graduate enrollment.

5) Meetings/Discussions with Provost and acting VP for R&ED

The R&S Committee co‐chairs Ajay Agrawal and Mike Kreger had multiple meetings with the provost and VP for R&ED, and were asked to identify high‐priority items concerning research at the University. A white paper was developed to make the case for research infrastructure needs and priorities for the Capital Campaign.

To view the content above as a pdf, click here.

Contact: Sarah Miesse,

2018-19 Meetings & Minutes

17 April 2018, 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 1010 North Lawn Hall
Guest Speaker:
Mr. Bill Poole, State Representative, House District 63
Approved Minutes

21 August 2018, 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 1010 North Lawn Hall
Guest Speakers:
Benefits Office PresentationDavid Bertanzetti, Jay Haley, Erika Shumate, Hiron Stiell
Approved Minutes

18 September 2018, 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 1013 South Engineering Research Center
Guest Speaker: 
Transportation Services PresentationChris D’Esposito, Director
Approved Minutes

16 October 2018, 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 1013 South Engineering Research Center
Guest Speaker:
Capstone Center for Student Success – Adam Sterritt, Assistant VP; Student Life 
Approved Minutes

13 November 2018, 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 1013 South Engineering Research Center
Guest Speakers:
University Premier Awards – Amber Capell, Director of External Engagement, Student Life
Alabama Transportation Institute – Dr. Shashi Nambisan, Director
Approved Minutes

11 December 2018, 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 1013 South Engineering Research Center
Guest Speakers:
UA Life Research Institute – Dr. John Lochmann, Interim Director
UA Water Institute – Dr. Patricia Sobecky, Director
Approved Minutes
Speaker Presentation: UA Life Research Institute

15 January 2019, 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 1010 North Lawn Hall
Guest Speakers:
Collaborative Arts Research Initiative– Rebecca Salzer, Interim Director
Alabama Entrepreneurship Institute and The EDGE– Dr. Theresa Welbourne, Executive Director
Approved Minutes
Speaker Presentation: Collaborative Arts Research Initiative (CARI)
Speaker Presentation: Alabama Entrepreneurship Institute and The EDGE

19 February 2019, 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 1010 North Lawn Hall
Guest Speakers:
Safe Zone– Lizzie Emerson Smith, Graduate Assistant
Capstone Alliance– Dr. Kevin Kocot, President
Approved Minutes

19 March 2019, 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 1010 North Lawn Hall
Guest Speaker:
Negotiating Large Publisher Contracts– Dr. Don Gilstrap, Dean, University Libraries
Speaker Presentation: Negotiating Large Publisher Contracts
Approved Minutes

Scheduled meetings of the Steering Committee:
10 April 2018, 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 213 AIME Building
Approved Minutes

8 May 2018, 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 213 AIME Building
Approved Minutes

5 June 2018, 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 213 AIME Building
Approved Minutes

10 July 2018, 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 213 AIME Building
Approved Minutes

7 August 2018, 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 213 AIME Building
Approved Minutes

11 September 2018, 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 213 AIME Building
Approved Minutes

9 October 2018, 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 213 AIME Building
Approved Minutes

6 November 2018, 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 213 AIME Building
Approved Minutes

4 December 2018, 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 213 AIME Building
Approved Minutes

8 January 2019, 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 213 AIME Building
Approved Minutes

12 February 2019, 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 213 AIME Building
Approved Minutes

5 March 2019, 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 213 AIME Building
Approved Minutes

9 April 2019, 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., 213 AIME Building

12 Month Faculty Parental Leave Policy Proposal

March 21, 2019

The University of Alabama Faculty Senate


Whereas, the fourth pillar of The University of Alabama’s strategic plan is to provide opportunities and resources that promote work-life balance and enhance the recruitment and retention of outstanding faculty and staff; and

Whereas, a policy that requires that 12-month faculty use sick and/or annual leave for prenatal care and post-natal recovery and bonding time penalizes faculty members who choose to become parents, compared to those who do not become parents, by removing their leave benefits: faculty who choose to become parents are still susceptible to illness and are still deserving of vacation time; and Whereas, parental leave policies have been found to improve morale, productivity, recruitment and retention rates1; and

Whereas, a policy that requires that 12-month faculty use sick and/or annual leave for prenatal care and post-natal recovery and bonding time provides an inadequate amount of parental leave for faculty members who are relatively new hires, which may hinder the university’s ability to recruit outstanding candidates, and also unintentionally incentivizes faculty members to delay starting families, which, coupled with the known reduction of fertility with age, would reduce the fertility window and/or increase the likelihood of high-risk pregnancies associated with older age; and

Whereas, (1) adequate prenatal care is associated with lower risk of prematurity, stillbirth, early and late neonatal death, and infant death2, and (2) the recommended number of prenatal visits for an uncomplicated pregnancy is about 153, a policy that requires that 12-month faculty use sick and/or annual leave for prenatal care discourages faculty members from attending prenatal visits because doing so takes away from their remaining post-natal recovery and bonding time; and Whereas, a 2019 study found that nearly half of females in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in the US leave full-time science after having their first child;4 and

Whereas, the millennial generation is expected to make up 75% of the workforce by 2025 and a recent study found that parental leave was among millennials’ top concerns;5 and

Whereas, a policy that is not limited by gender or sexual orientation is in line with The University of Alabama’s mission to create an accepting and inclusive work environment; and

Whereas, a number of comparable public universities have adopted paid parental leave policies for faculty who accrue sick and annual leave without requiring them to use their accrued leave, including Florida State University (6 months),6 Indiana University (6 weeks),7 University of North Carolina (1 semester),8 University of Colorado (6 weeks),9 University of Arizona (6 weeks),10 University of Central Florida (19.5 weeks),11 and Virginia Tech (8 weeks);12

Therefore, be it resolved by the Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama that the University is encouraged to adopt the following policies regarding parental leave for 12month full-time faculty members:

Policy for Parental Leave for 12-month Full-time Faculty Members

This policy applies to 12-month full time faculty who have given or are going to give birth to a child/children, or become a parent of a newly born or adopted/fostered child/children, or who are recovering from miscarriage, abortion, or any pregnancy or childbirth related health outcomes. Faculty members who accrue sick and annual leave will receive 8 weeks of paid leave (40 days) to cover the time necessary for the medical recovery period as defined by the individual’s health provider and/or to provide time for initial bonding with the child. Faculty members will not be required to use sick and/or annual leave, but may use it to extend their leave time beyond 8 weeks. Paid leave will be provided regardless of the amount of time the faculty member has been employed by the University. In addition, 48 hours of paid leave will be provided for any pregnancy-, foster-, or adoption-related doctor’s appointments or meetings prior to the arrival/placement/adoption of the child.

1 The National Bureau of Economic Research

2 Partridge, S. Balayla, J. Holcroft, C.A., Abenhaim, H.A. (2012) Inadequate prenatal care utilization and risks of infant mortality and poor birth outcome: A retrospective analysis of 28,729,765 U.S. deliveries over 8 years. American Journal of Perinatology, 29(10), 787-794.

3 American Academy of Pediatrics and American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (2017). Guidelines for Perinatal Care.

4 Cech, E. A. & Blair-Loy, M. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA (2019).









Click here to view the content above as a pdf.

Contact: Sarah Miesse,

9 Month Faculty Parental Leave Policy Proposal

February 19, 2019
The University of Alabama Faculty Senate


Whereas, the fourth pillar of The University of Alabama’s strategic plan is to provide opportunities and resources that promote work-life balance and enhance the recruitment and retention of outstanding faculty and staff; and

Whereas, parental leave policies have been found to improve morale, productivity, recruitment and retention rates1; and

Whereas, studies have found that fathers who take time off after a birth are more involved in their child’s care during early childhood2, and that there is a positive correlation between leave taken and income of mothers; and

Whereas, discrepancies in leave implementation disadvantage some faculty3 as well as provide challenges for effective family planning; and

Whereas, a policy that is not limited by gender or sexual orientation is in line with The University of Alabama’s mission to create an accepting and inclusive work environment;

Therefore, be it resolved by the Faculty Senate of The University of Alabama that the University is encouraged to adopt the following policies regarding parental leave for 9-month full-time faculty members:

Policy for Parental Leave for 9-month Full-time Faculty Members

Those eligible for paid parental leave are 9-month full-time faculty members who are tenured or tenure-track, or those faculty with a renewable contract status who have given or are going to give birth to a child/children, or become a parent of a newly born, fostered or adopted child/children, or who are recovering from miscarriage, abortion, or any pregnancy or childbirth related health outcomes. Colleges will provide eight weeks of paid leave provided the child is born, fostered or adopted during the academic year or less than eight weeks prior to the beginning of the academic year, but this time can be extended if needed by the faculty member. This policy does not apply to temporary faculty, part-time faculty, graduate assistants, or post-doctoral associates. The following policy is intended for deans, department heads/chairs, and center/institute directors in implementing the paid parental leave policy for faculty members.

  • This policy is only for 9-month faculty members who do not earn sick or annual leave.
  • Leave is granted to cover the time necessary for the medical recovery period as defined by the individual’s health provider and/or to provide time for initial bonding with a newborn, fostered or adopted child. Under usual circumstances this time is eight weeks of paid leave. Unpaid leave under the Family and Medical Leave (FML) Act still applies, which means that the faculty member(s) can take additional unpaid time of up to 12 weeks as needed, as long as the FML is granted.
  • Leave runs concurrently with FML. If eight weeks are insufficient, the faculty member who has been approved for FML can request an additional four weeks as unpaid leave.
  • After the eight weeks of paid leave and in either the semester in which the 8 weeks of leave is being taken or the subsequent semester, the faculty member will be relieved of classroom and online teaching and on-campus obligations. Faculty members on such a modified duties status may, should they wish, fulfill their other professional responsibilities during the period of modified duties, including those responsibilities for which the faculty member is uniquely qualified, such as advising doctoral candidates and managing ongoing research projects. Except under extraordinary circumstances and as approved by the provost, no faculty member will be relieved of teaching responsibilities for both the fall and spring semesters. No faculty member will have teaching, administrative, research, or service expectations increased in subsequent terms as a result of his/her/their choosing to take family leave. The semester of modified duties may be concurrent with or following the paid leave period. For example, if the child is born, fostered or adopted on October 15, the faculty member may use paid leave through the end of the fall semester and receive modified duties for the spring semester. If the child is born, fostered or adopted during the summer term in which paid leave does not apply, the faculty member will receive modified duties for the fall semester.

Procedures for Requesting Leave

  • As soon as possible, the faculty member(s) should notify his/her/their department chair/head and dean of the due date/arrival date/adoption date and request assistance in planning a workload that accommodates the parental leave.
  • The department chair/head, in agreement with the faculty member, should propose a work load that accommodates the semester of modified duties.
  • This plan will be sent to the dean for review and commentary and then forwarded to the provost for final approval. All faculty leaves must be approved by the provost under the provisions in the Faculty Handbook.
  • Simultaneously, the faculty member should follow the FML approval process through their benefits partner in Human Resources. Faculty members who are not FML-eligible still must go through this process to provide the documentation required for the provost to approve the requested leave. The FML process must be initiated at least 30 days prior to the anticipated date that the faculty member will begin the leave. No leave can be approved by the provost until the faculty member has been approved for leave through the FML process.
  • Faculty members and their supervisors must document leave time, and colleges/schools should initiate a conversion to unpaid status if the faculty member does not return to work at the end of the approved paid leave period and/or FMLA period, unless subsequent medical complications or other complications following childbirth exist, which would be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

1 The National Bureau of Economic Research

2 Huerta, M. C., Adema, W., Baxter, J., Han, W.-J., Lausten, M., Lee, R., & Waldfogel, J. (2014). Fathers’ Leave and Fathers’ Involvement: Evidence from Four OECD Countries. European Journal of Social Security, 16(4), 308–346.

3 Gunn, C. M., Freund, K. M., Kaplan, S. A., Raj, A., & Carr, P. L. (2014). Knowledge and perceptions of family leave policies among female faculty in academic medicine. Women’s Health Issues, 24(2), e205-e210.

Passed unanimously, with two abstention, by the University of Alabama Faculty Senate on February 19, 2019.

Click here to view the content above as a pdf.

Contact: Sarah Miesse,

Undergraduate Council Proposal


Review, evaluate, and provide recommendations to the Provost on proposals for new undergraduate academic programs and significant changes to existing academic programs; engage in review of existing academic programs; promote quality in undergraduate academic programs; and review and develop University-wide policies for undergraduate students including the areas of admission and retention, scholarships, advising, and financial aid.


Consists of faculty members elected by the faculty within each college or school providing undergraduate degrees on the basis of one member for each 1,000 undergraduate majors, with each qualifying college/school having at least two members. The Honors College will also select one member from its faculty. The Provost (or designated Associate Provost) will serve as chairperson. One student member is appointed by the SGA and one non-Greek student representative is appointed by the Vice President for Student Life. One faculty member is appointed by the Faculty Senate. The following shall serve as liaison members: Dean of University Libraries (or representative), University Registrar, the Dean of Students, and the Director for Institutional Effectiveness.




Provost (or designated Associate Provost)

~32 elected members from colleges granting undergraduate degrees

Elected faculty member from Honors College


Dean, University Libraries or representative

University Registrar

Dean of Students, Student Life

Director, Institutional Effectiveness


Representative appointed by SGA

Representative appointed by Student Life​


Representative appointed by Faculty Senate

Membership from colleges if elected currently:

A&S 8

Commerce Business 8

Communication Info Sciences 2

Education 2

Engineering 5

Honors College 1

Human Environmental 3

Nursing 2

Social Work 2

Total 33

Note: As elected members of the undergraduate council will serve three years terms, only one-third of the members will be elected each of the first three years after the council is established so that members will have staggered terms.

Click here to see the content above as a Word document.

Proposal to establish a: Commission on Race, Slavery, and Civil Rights at The University of Alabama

October 16, 2018

The University of Alabama Faculty Senate

We the members of the Faculty Senate at The University of Alabama propose that the University establish a formal commission to investigate the history of race, slavery, and civil rights on our campus, to publicize and to share the results, and to make recommendations for a comprehensive and responsible plan for curating, teaching, and promoting sustained dialogue on the history of The University of Alabama.

The purpose of this commission would be to share the rich and diverse history of UA from its slave past to its continued trajectory toward becoming a more diverse and inclusive campus since the first African American students enrolled. The commission will build on previous efforts that resulted in the Little Round House/Guard House historical marker, slavery apology marker, Hood-Malone Plaza, and the recent Autherine Lucy Foster historical marker. The intent is to encourage sustainability and continued engagement through:

  • Exploring the role of slavery and its legacy at The University of Alabama;
  • Promoting scholarly research using manuscript collections, conferences, and symposia;
  • Creating the necessary infrastructure for institutionalizing alternative campus tours (guided and self-guided);
  • Updating current campus tours to include more accurate and inclusive historical information about the university;
  • Examining the commemorative landscape for potential additional markers and signage that will better represent university history;
  • Creating permanent museum displays, library displays, and digital exhibitions on slavery and civil rights at The University;
  • Making recommendation for the undergraduate curriculum and/or orientation programs (BAMA Bound) regarding possible inclusion of the University history;
  • Creating strategic co-curricular activities for students;
  • Coordinating with other community groups and institutions doing similar work; and
  • Securing federal, state, and private funding for supporting proposed efforts.

The work of the proposed commission will be ongoing and transparent. The collaborative efforts will ensure that all campus stakeholders – students, prospective students, faculty, staff, alumni, and visitors –can learn about Alabama’s history and engage in valuable conversations with empathy and respect. Moreover, the work will not belong to one individual or entity but will create the necessary institutional infrastructure for sustainability. It will fulfill several of the recommendations entailed in the October 2017 Diversity Mapping Project report. Possible Task Force Members:

  • Faculty currently engaged with researching campus history (individuals have choice to participate or not)
  • Faculty Senate representatives UA Museums and Libraries representatives
  • Black Faculty and Staff Association representatives
  • Vice President and Associate Provost for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Division of Student Life Passed unanimously, with one abstention, by the University of Alabama Faculty Senate on October 16, 2018.

Click here to see a Word document containing the content above.

Karen Steckol Academic Regalia Loan Project

To encourage the participation of faculty at commencement exercises, the Faculty Senate has assembled a collection of academic regalia. This project was initiated by the late Dr. Karen Steckol, former President of the Faculty Senate, and Professor and Chair of the Department of Communicative Disorders; in her memory the program was named the Karen Steckol Academic Regalia Loan Program.

The regalia are maintained by the Senate and loaned to faculty on a first-come, first-served basis immediately prior to each commencement ceremony.

Please contact Linda Knowles (; 348-6635), Administrative Secretary to the Faculty Senate, to reserve regalia and to arrange pick-up.  Clean regalia must be returned to room 401 Martha Parham West between 8:00 am and 4:45 pm on Tuesday or Thursday of the week immediately following Commencement.

Regalia donations may be delivered to room 401 Martha Parham West between 8:00 am and 4:45 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Please contact Linda Knowles (; 348-6635) to ensure that she is available to accept the donation or the return of borrowed regalia.